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Snack Smarter, Play Better: Tips For Nutrition on the Golf Course

Writer's picture: Catherine McIntyreCatherine McIntyre

Some Local Courses at Already Open - Golf Season is Coming Fast

Spring is in the air and all you avid golfers are getting primed and ready for another season.  The anticipation of getting together with your friends and sharpening your skills is always a great motivator!

I heard about “The Hungry Golfer” and wanted to learn more about just what that meant. It literally means that Richard is always hungry 😊 and likes to snack while he is golfing. 

My question is, what kind of snacks do you carry around with you?  Are they the kind of snacks that simply fill you up… or fuel you up to play your best round with clarity and focus?

I notice the types of snacks that are available at a golf course and it is usually the kind of “filler” “food” that simply makes you sluggish and makes you crave more.  You eat it anyway because it smells so good and you are sooo hungry.   The vicious cycle continues… and you feel bloated and lethargic.


I must say, last season I golfed with my sister on Wednesday evenings. I keep it to the casual kind of golf 😊, but that is my preference. Burgers, fries, chips, chicken wings.  Ok for once a week golfing, but I suspect many of you may be visiting the course more frequently than just one day a week.

Listen to Coach Catherine

That’s where I come in 😊. I got your back Hungry Golfer !  Or more to the point, I have some suggestions for you 😊.

Simplify to Amplify.

Here’s the deal.  In order for our bodies to work most effectively, we need to fuel it with as close to non-processed ingredients as possible.   Sorry to burst your bubble but that auto-pilot in your brain that grabs a burger or a sandwich on the fly – or simply just skips meals because you don’t have time to eat – is going to catch up with you. And I don’t mean in a very pleasant way. 

Our bodies need Carbohydrates, Good Fats, and  Protein.   Following a system that helps you to create a schedule and one that is structured.   Yes.  It works. And yes.  Even if you don’t like to cook too many different things (I am the master 😊) you can shift gears and get through your day – and your golf game – feeling energized and – even feeling tired – in a good way at the end of your day!

Once you start to shift your way of thinking towards how – and perhaps what – you eat – it’s like a domino effect.  You start sleeping better and you wake up – wait for it – feeling rested!!

Here’s a “Pack and Go” suggestion for you for a quick meal:

  • 3 – 4 ounces of chicken (this can be rotisserie chicken from the grocery store!)

  • 3 small slices of whole grain bread

  • 1.5 tablespoons of sliced almonds

.. you have a sandwich in the making ! Add some greens – yes ! I said greens ! 😊 .. and my favourite – Dijon mustard ! 😊

It's as Simple as That

There you have it.  One meal – that you can carry with you on the fly – that incorporates the necessary macronutrients that your body needs.  You just need to add 3 more meals to that to create your system that works for your life and your schedule.


Think about it. Living life on your terms and changing just one thing can start a cascade of feeling better than you have felt in years 😊.

Bring on the next season of golf.  Here’s the challenge to my Hungry Golfer buddy 😊.  What kind of “energy snacks” can you find when you use our friend mr. google?  I know there are many simple ideas floating out there!

I practice it every day!  Be creative, plan ahead and create the best version of you!

Cheers to a great season ahead!

To your health and happiness,

 Coach Catherine

p.s.  If you are curious and need a little guidance on how to build a system that works for you, feel free to reach out to me via email:

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